Friday, June 23, 2006


Well the basement walls are done. Now the cement has to cure for about a week, so there won't be much happening now for about a week.

This picture is the opening for the window to immerrichtig's bedroom (when she is home).

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Forms and Basement Walls

Yesterday they started putting in the forms for the cement to build the basement walls. Today they finished that job and poured the cement for the basement walls.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Footing are in

We have had quite a bit of rain the last part of last week and yet they got the footings poured. You can see from the picture how wet it is. The picture was taken on Sunday, and we had more rain on Saturday and Sunday. The cribbing package has been delivered, so we are just waiting for the forms to go up and the basement walls to be poured.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Construction Begins

Well, Monday was the start of the construction of our house. The stakes were put in to mark where there the hole was to be dug. The picture shows the stakes in the ground.

Then on Tuesday close to the end of the day, they started digging the hole. We haven't been over there today, but since Rob and Becky work in the neighborhood they said the hole was not finished yet. The picture of the digging is also the first time we have taken a picture of our lot with the sun shining.