Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Possession Date Set

In the last week we have received a letter. We have a possesion date set for April 2, 2007. That is less than a month away. In the meantime, more work is being done on the inside of the house. This week the railings and spindles are being installed on the stairs. We were there Wednesday evening, and they were still working. On Monday the finish carpenter starts with door trims and baseboards. Once he is done, we can clean the house again.


Blogger Unknown said...

that means the house is, completely painted. Pictures, pictures, pictures! I demand more pictures!

9:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How very exciting! We're going to have to come and see for ourselves. Maybe early July!!!!!

Love Tracey, John, Sul and Rose

10:43 AM  

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