Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Stairs and Kitchen

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Lights, Kitchen, Action

This evening, when it was dark outside, we went to the house, to see how the kitchen installation was progressing. Yes, it was dark outside, but light inside. We have temporary lights and lots of switches. It is going to take a while to figure out which switch is for which light.

It will be another few days until all the cabinets are installed. Every day now for the next month or more something should be happening on the house. We should be posting regularly.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

More Pretty in Pink Inside

It has been an exciting week in our house building journey. On Monday, we cleaned drywall dust from the house. It was a much bigger job than we thought. The vacuum cleaner had a special filter for dry wall dust, but what that really meant, was the filter would fill up and then we would have to clean it out. It filled up about twice for each room we vacuumed. We were both exhausted after that job.

On Wednesday the house was painted with the primer. It is really exciting to see the priming in similar colors that we are actually painting in. The yellow is very close, but the red is not quite right. It is close enough for us to get a good idea of what it is going to look like. On Thursday and Friday the ceilings were textured and the kitchen cabinets were delivered. The texturing meant that we had to clean again today, but it was an easier job, as the dust was not quite as fine.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I know another boring title; but after a few very busy days, and having a bit of a cold, all the creativity is gone.

They didn't quite finish boarding, but they started taping anyway. They are very close to finishing the taping.

The picture today is of what most people would call the bonus room, but it is going to be my quilting studio. That nice big wall will hold my design board. It is going to be a very beautiful room in which to create beautiful quilts.