Sunday, June 17, 2007

Recovery Time

We have moved into our house, but have been too busy packing and unpacking. Hopefully when we are home again, we can post some new pictures. Since the last time we posted, we have a garage door, and a driveway, although we can't drive on it for another few weeks.

We had decided a while ago to take a bit of a holiday. We flew to Montreal on Friday, picked up a rental car and Rachel and then drove to Quebec City. Yesterday we went to Old Quebec and walked around there for most of the day. While we were sitting and eating lunch, we saw a lot of police on motorcycles and trucks. I commented that something must be going on, but Rachel assured me it was probably nothing. A short time later we saw vans with bicycles on top and then a group of cyclists, then more vans with bikes and then a very large group of them. I asked the waiter if we would see them again, and he said no, but the police kept coming and they didn't take the orange cones down. A while later they came again, but this time I was ready with my camera.

Throughout the next several hours we saw them cycle up the hill, and around us. We also saw "No Parking" signs with Tour de Beauce written on them. When we got back to the hotel I looked it up. Turns out I got a fairly good picture of the winner of the leg of the race we saw yesterday.