Saturday, September 23, 2006

First Floor almost there

After a week and a half of very little work on the house the framers were busy today and have almost finished the first floor. Tomorrow they will finish framing in the garage. They have hired a crane to come on Monday morning to drop the three large beams into place.

We were able to go right into the house and see how large the kitchen is going to be. We could also see how nice and bright the house will be with all the windows. It is really exciting to see the plans come into being.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who are the people in the pictures?

7:25 PM  
Blogger Mama Elf and Papa Bear said...

The first picture is one of the framers, since they worked most of the weekend.

The second picture daughter #3 will be a bit disappointed that you did not recognize her.

7:33 AM  

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