Thursday, October 12, 2006

Windows and Plumbers

Ross and Russ are completing a few last details with windows, doors and stairways. There are a few missing, so they will have to come back when those arrive. It's been a hard job, they have done well. It is time to get paid and move on.

In the meantime, the plumbers have started. The pipes in the picture are in the basement. Normally you don't see these because they will end up under the concrete floor.

There are also some pipe fittings scattered in the master bedroom. Don't those windows frame the view nicely?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The House's Hat

When we lived in Winnipeg we had a friend who was an architect and he often commented that the roof on a house was like a hat. Today the hat was put on our house. The rooms upstairs are all framed in. The hallway and the view from the bonus room upstairs are going to be quite spectacular.

With all the framing done the house has changed from a two dimensional paper plan to reality and it is quite exciting.

Monday, October 02, 2006

A Room with a View

Becky is enjoying the view from her new bedroom. Her room faces north with a view of the pond. Most of the exterior walls are up and the roof should be on by the end of the week.