Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The House's Hat

When we lived in Winnipeg we had a friend who was an architect and he often commented that the roof on a house was like a hat. Today the hat was put on our house. The rooms upstairs are all framed in. The hallway and the view from the bonus room upstairs are going to be quite spectacular.

With all the framing done the house has changed from a two dimensional paper plan to reality and it is quite exciting.


Blogger Pastor George said...

What a house! I am looking forward to coming to see it. Is the garage at the street side and the large three story side on the "view" side? By the way, Happy Birthday, Elenore. 53.

7:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The house looks awesome, can't wait to come and see it all done up. Sul and Rose can break it in the only way children can!

Happy Birthday Elenore, hope Rob baked you a delicious cake.

Love T & J and kids

8:41 PM  

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