Thursday, November 02, 2006

Slow Progress

It has been a while since our last post. It is much more difficult to get over to take pictures. It is dark by the time we get home from work, and we seem to be gone or very busy on the weekend. I left early from work today so I could go see what has happened at the house and take some pictures while it was still light outside.

Work is being done on the house, but progress is slow. Most of the windows and doors are now installed. The big front window is in and my sewing room is looking very good. The plumbing rough ins are complete. This means that all the drains and water supply lines are strung all over the house. The plumbing inspector has also been in the house and left 2 green stickers and 2 red stickers. One green sticker is on the kitchen drain, indicating that the house is ready to be insulated. The other green sticker is on the drain for the bathroom in the basement. The red stickers note minor items that need to be fixed. I checked today and the red stickers have been removed and it looked like the issues had been corrected.

The "tin bashers" have also completed their roughins. There is ductwork and cold air returns. They have covered all the register places in the floors with a fine screen to keep the dust out. Rob also said that the in-floor heating for the upstairs bathrooms was in, but I couldn't really tell.

So I think that is about all that has happened in the house since the last time we posted.


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