Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Shingles and Framing Inspection

A few things have happened on the house. We don't have any new pictures, but sometime over Christmas, we should be able to get there during the day to take some new pictures. The shingles were put on the house about a week ago. We also had a lot of gravel put into the basement to level off the floor. Once that was done, we were able to get the framing inspection done. Unfortunately we had a big red sticker that said it failed. There was supposed to be some sort of roof truss diagram in the package for the inspector, but he didn't have it. That should have been sent and the inspector should be coming back to provide a green sticker in place of the red sticker.

The other part that should be happening in these days is that the plumbers are back in the house putting in the in-floor heat into the basement.

I would imagine with Christmas just around the corner that may be it until the new year.


Blogger Dawn said...

It does appear to be a very BIG house!
Hopefully, you are picturing yourself in your new home by next Christmas???

7:39 PM  

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